Thursday, June 17, 2010

DVD/TV Program explores issue of Connecicut Youth Prescription Drug Abuse

Feature Showcases Panel Discussion at Central Connecticut State University with Insight from Experts, including Jill Spineti of The Governor’s Prevention Partnership and Candy Finnigan of A&E’s “Intervention”

BERLIN – (June 18, 2010) – Parents, educators and community officials charged with caring for youth across the state have struggled with how to handle the topic of prescription drug abuse amongst that at-risk population. Many adults even downplay the problem, thinking that prescription drug abuse isn’t an issue with their kids or downplaying the danger because the drugs were prescribed by a doctor, which must make them safer than “street” drugs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Governor, State Police call for parental vigilance

Governor, State Police call for parental vigilance during, prom and graduation season
The Governor's Prevention Partnership offers tips to keep teens safe

Governor M. Jodi Rell asks parents throughout the state to remain extra vigilant about eliminating access to alcohol for their teenagers during this prom and graduation season. In addition, she reminds parents that Connecticut has multiple laws that hold parents accountable for alcohol consumed in their homes.

"Parents need to set the rules - and the examples - for their teens. Sometimes the hardest conversations to have are the ones that keep our children safe," Governor Rell said. "I urge all parents to have that conversation with their child. Set the rules, save a life - take responsibility."